Single Payer Committee

A Single-Payer healthcare system is the ONLY way to reign in the steadily rising costs of our current for-profit health insurance system.  By cutting out insurance companies - who reap huge profits while providing no actual care - we can cover all New Yorkers with better care than most of us now have - including medical, dental, vision, hearing, mental health, maternal care, reproductive care, substance abuse treatment and even long-term care!  There will be no change to how hospitals, doctors and other providers work - they’ll just all get paid by one publicly-financed entity.

The Single Payer Committee carries on all of NYPAN’s work to #PassNYHealth and has members from around the state. It meets monthly on the second Monday of every month (skipping July and August) and all are welcome! Zoom link here

NYPAN is one of the organizations that form the Campaign for New York Health, and our committee is composed of everyday New Yorkers - like you. Join us here to get notices of meetings and actions you can take part in!

The recent win by the progressive wing of the UFT, stopping the Mayor’s ill-advised attempt to move NYC retirees into Medicare “DISAdvantage”, opens opportunities for us to work with union membership more closely than before.  UFT head Michael Mulgrew is now meeting with Sen. Gustavo Rivera (lead sponsor of the NY Health Act) to discuss improving the Act to make it work even better for unions. And the Campaign for NY Health is actively organizing informational forums with union members.

Contact us for more!

Our campaign to get NYS legislators go on record as supporting the Health Act by signing the Healthcare Pledge is ongoing, and can use all of our support.  Call or write your NYS senator and assembly person today and keep on them until they sign. 

Contact us for more!

Join us to hand out flyers and talk with union members waiting to join the parade along Fifth Avenue in Manhattan on September 7th!

In addition to the Pledge, members are working with their NYS legislators to make the Health Act an ongoing part of their website, social media posts and newsletters, as well as to hold community forums about the Act.

Contact us for more!